Poster Presentation at ACC.17

On Saturday, March 18, 2017, at the American College of Cardiology’s 66th Annual Scientific Session & Expo, a poster was presented featuring the Clinical Efficacy of SoftSeal-STF Hemostatic Pad With Short Hold Time Compared to Traditional Manual Compression After Transfemoral Catheterization
The study was performed by Nolan Machernis, Tadele Mengesha, Robyn Shearer, Louie Kostopoulos, Yoseph Shalev, Tonga Nfor, Jayant Khitha, M. Fuad Jan, Tanvir Bajwa, Suhail Allaqaband, Aurora Cardiovascular Services, Aurora Sinai/Aurora St. Luke’s Medical Centers, Milwaukee, WI, USA
Read the Abstract: SoftSeal-STF Abstract ACC17.pdf
View the Poster: SoftSeal-STF Poster ACC17.pdf